Prompt Documentation
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MetaCommand Reference


Add a text comment into the current window.

Usage: /comment [text]

The text after /comment is not processed and will be posted as-is.


Change remote for current window.

connect [remote]
/connect [remote]


Change remote for current window (alias for /connect).


Clear all commands from the current window.


Both with and without the slash are allowed. Clear takes no arguments.


View a text file inline using rich native UI. Includes syntax highlighting and code folding.

/codeview [filename]
codeview [filename]
[lang=javascript] codeview [filename]
[lang=json] codeview hello.json

Both with and without the slash are allowed. Filename resolves against the current remote and current working directory.


View and edit a text file inline using rich native UI. Includes syntax highlighting, code folding, and completion.

/codeedit [filename]
codeedit [filename]
[lang=javascript] codeedit [filename]
[lang=json] codeedit hello.json

Both with and without the slash are allowed. Filename resolves against the current remote and current working directory. Once you are editing, you can save the file using Cmd-S. Closing the editor (using Cmd-D) will prevent future saves (and shrink the editor to fit the current size of the content).


Send a signal to a running command.

Usage: /signal [line-arg] [signame]

[line-arg] can be a line number or line id.

[signame] is the name of a signal. e.g. KILL, INT, HUP, TERM, etc. Can also prefix with SIG (e.g. SIGKILL). You can also specify a signal by number (e.g. /signal [line-arg] 9).


Commands that change or modify the Prompt session. The bare command will switch the session.

Usage: /session [session-arg]

[session-arg] can be a session number, name, id, or relative number.


Creates a new session.

Usage: /session:open [name=name]

A name can be passed to set the session’s name.


Deletes a session. This will call purge on all of the screens (tabs) within the session. All command history and output will be completely deleted. This will also stop web-sharing of all the session’s screens.

Usage: /session:purge [sessionid]

If sessionid is not specified will purge the current session.


Archives a session.

Usage: /session:archive [sessionid] [0|1]

With no arguments will archive the current session. Otherwise a session id can be specified to archive. The second argument, if “0” means the session should be unarchived.


Show all sessions (including archived ones).


Show metadata about current session.


Usage: /session:set [name=name]

One option is supported: name. It sets the name of the session.


Commands that change or modify the Prompt screen (tab). The bare command will switch the screen (tab).

Usage: /screen [screen-arg]

[screen-arg] can be a screen number, name, id, or relative number.


Creates a new screen

Usage: /screen:open


Hides a screen (tab). Retains output and history.

Usage: /screen:archive [screenid] [0|1]

With no arguments will archive the current screen (tab). Otherwise a screen id can be specified to archive. The second argument, if “0” means the screen should be unarchived.


Deletes the current screen (tab). Purges all output and history. Will also stop web-sharing.

To purge a non-active screen, pass the screen-id as the first argument.


  /screen:webshare 0

Starts/stops screen web sharing. The first argument can be “1” to start or “0” to stop (defaults to “1”).


Updates screen parameters

/screen:set [name=name] [tabcolor=color]
/screen:set [anchor=anchor] [focus=focus] [line=line]


  • name - set the name of the screen in the tab bar
  • tabcolor - set the color of the tab
  • anchor - sets the current scroll anchor position (used by client)
  • focus - sets the focus type for the screen (used by client) (“input” or “cmd”)
  • line - sets the currently selected line
  • sharename - sets the sharename for web sharing


Show all screens in the current session (including archived screens).


Resets the screen by re-initializing all remotes.


Tells the backend the new size of the screen. This size is used to change the terminal size for running commands (SIGWINCH).


Commands that create, manage, or update remotes (connections). Note that all /remote commands can also be accessed using /connection.


Will open the remote info window for the current remote

Usage: /remote:show


Will open an info window showing information about all of the registered remotes

Usage: /remote:showall


Will create a new remote. Arguments can be passed to create the remote completely from the command-line, or if visual=1 is passed it will open the create remote info window.

Usage: /remote:new [user@host] [visual=1] [sudo=1] [port=portnum] [alias=alias] [connectmode=connectmode] [autoinstall=1] [key=ssh-key-file] [password=ssh-password]


Archives the current remote

Usage: /remote:archive


Updates remote parameters


Disconnects the current remote.

Usage: /remote:disconnect [force=1]

If force=1 is passed it will force the remote to be disconnected even if there are running commnads. The commands will be passed SIGHUP.


Connects the current remote


Installs the latest version of mshell to the remote.


Cancels an install if it is hanging


Resets the current remote state back to defaults.


The remote will re-run a login (e.g. .bashrc or .bash_profile) and reset the remote state (cwd, environment, functions, etc.) to match the initial login state. This can be useful to run if you make changes to your bash initialization files and want those changes to be picked up.


Updates lines in the current window.


Shows metadata for the given line.

Usage: /line:show [line-arg]

[line-arg] can be a line number or line id.


Stars the given line

Usage: /line:star [line-arg] [star-val]

[line-arg] can be a line number or line id. [star-val] defaults to 1, but can be set to 0-5.


Updates line settings

Usage: /line:set [line-arg] [renderer=renderer]

[line-arg] can be a line number or line id. One argument, sets the renderer for the given line. Empty renderer will default to “terminal”.


Deletes the line from the screen and from history (including output).

Usage: /line:purge [line-arg]


Archives (hides) the line. Remains in history (can be unarchived by passing “0” as the 2nd argument).

/line:archive [line-arg]
/line:archive [line-arg] [1|0]


Switches to the given session, screen, and line. Scrolls UI to the given line.

Usage: /line:view [session] [screen] [line]


Stores the height of the line. For terminals this is the number of “rows”. For renderers it is the pixel height.

Usage: /line:setheight [line-arg] [height]



Shows client version information and settings


Update client settings, currently only supports termfont size. This will update the font size used in the terminal, can be set from 8-15 (px).

Usage: /client:set termfontsize=10


Commands that deal with client telemetry.


Turn telemetry on


Turn telemetry off


Force a send of current telemetry to server


Show current telemetry (on/off) setting.


Commands that effect bookmarks


Add a bookmark.


Remove a bookmark.

Other Internal Commands


Kills the local prompt server (and restarts it). Used for debugging.


Handles command completion.


Handles history window.


Runs a command